Healthy Recipes
Healthy recipes for all occasions and seasons.
Summer Featured Recipe - California Avocado Super Summer Wrap (from the image) is an online recipe and nutrition resource for CalFresh (SNAP, or food stamps) eligible individuals and families, though this website is a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their health.
Find healthy tips and recipes that are simple, fun, and more affordable.
Champions for Change is now CalFresh Healthy Living, the new brand inspiring families to make healthy eating and physical activity changes that can lead to a happier, healthier life. CalFresh Healthy Living offers free recipes, tips, tools and other resources that empower Californians to achieve healthy victories.
CalFresh Healthy Living is a program of the California Department of Public Health.
Sopes Recipe (from the image) provides tools, resources, recipes, and information to improve the nutrition and well-being of Americans.