Environmental Services
Ph: (831) 755-4800
Fax: (831) 757-9516
1441 Schilling Place
2nd Floor -South
Salinas, Ca 93901
Although every effort is made to provide complete and accurate information on this website and all its documents, users are advised to contact applicable County Resource Management Agency staff before making project decisions and fee estimates.
Disaster Preparedness
What you can do now to be better prepared for Earthquake, Flooding, Fire, Wind, Storms, Power Failures or other types of disaster.
Preparedness increases your chance of survival, minimizes discomfort and promotes peace of mind. The best resources are Self Help and Neighbor Involvement.
Stay Calm
Remember the most important possessions you have are the lives of your loved ones and your own. Protect these first, everything else is secondary.
Prepare Your Home
Study the information related to earthquake preparedness. be sure your home is structurally as safe as possible and know the safest places within your home. know the steps to take to make your home safer after the disaster. know how to shut off gas, water and electricity. keep tools at hand.
Keep Supplies On Hand
- food for three or more days
- water and other liquids
- batteries
- radio
- flashlights
- matches, candles
- prescription medicines
- keep the gas tank of your car at least half full at all times
- if your home survives a major disaster it may be hours or days before things are back to normal.
- conserve all supplies.
- keep the freezer closed if electricity is off.
- do not flush the toilet. (use plastic bags and a shovel)
- don't waste the water in the water heater.
- first aid
- CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
- Heimlich maneuver (choking)
- how to control bleeding
- use telephone only for emergency calls. call 911.
- turn on portable radio - EBS (emergency broadcast system) local station or KSCO 1080 am.
- arrange with neighbors for safety checks.
Prepare For Evacuation
- obtain and prepare a "get away kit" and keep it in a readily available place.
- keys to your car and home
- prescription glasses
- prescription drugs
- address list of friends and relatives
- small flashlight
- blank checks
- personal necessities
- keep a warm coat or jacket handy.