Planning Services
1441 Schilling Place
Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 755-5025
(831) 757-9516
Although every effort is made to provide complete and accurate information on this website and all its documents, users are advised to contact applicable County Housing and Community Development staff before making project decisions and fee estimates.
20.04 Zoning Administrator
20.04.010 CREATION.
The Office of the Zoning Administrator is hereby established.
20.04.020 APPOINTMENT.
The Zoning Administrator shall be appointed by the Director of Planning and Building Inspection.
20.04.030 POWERS.
A. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to hear and decide applications for Variances and to grant, deny, revoke and modify Variances pursuant to Chapter 20.78.
B. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to hear and decide applications for Coastal Development Permits for those uses identified in the zoning district regulations by the designation "(ZA)" and to grant, deny, revoke and modify Coastal Development Permits for such uses pursuant to Chapter 20.70.
C. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to hear and decide applications for Coastal Administrative Permits and to grant, deny, revoke and modify Coastal Administrative Permits pursuant to Chapter 20.76.
D. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to hear and decide applications for Combined Development Permits and to grant, deny, revoke and modify Combined Development Permits pursuant to Chapter 20.82.
E. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to hear and decide applications for Design Approvals pursuant to Chapter 20.44.
F. In addition to those items designated in the zoning districts (ZA) to be heard by the Zoning Administrator, the Director of Planning and Building Inspection may also designate the Zoning Administrator as the Appropriate Authority to consider other Coastal Development Permits provided said permits do not involve the following factors:
1) Significant public policy issues;
2) Unmitigable significant adverse environmental impacts;
3) Significant changes in the nature of a community or area:
4) Establishment of precedents or standards by which other projects will be measured.
If at any point in the permit process the Director of Planning and Building Inspection or the Zoning Administrator find that an application before the Zoning Administrator involves any of the listed factors, the Zoning Administrator shall refer the application to the Planning Commission. In such case, the Planning Commission shall become the Appropriate Authority.