Housing Advisory Committee
Housing Advisory Committee Archives
The Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) is an appointed body that is charged with reviewing and considering housing related issues for the County. For certain issues, the HAC serves an advisory function to the Planning Commission and/or Board of Supervisors. These issues typically involve policy documents such as the Housing Element, funding recommendations, and Inclusionary Housing Program procedures. Other functions include review and recommendations on proposed grant and loan applications related to specific housing projects.
Legislative Reference: Formed by Ordinance No. 3093 (Chapter 18.40) adopted September 17, 1985.
Membership: Shall consist of 10 members and be comprised as follows: Two (2) appointees from each Supervisorial District. Appointees shall reside in the district from which they are appointed. Membership terms are for 2 years.
Qualifications & Function: To advise the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission on matters relating to the Housing Element, the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, and other affordable housing programs. The Committee may conduct public hearings on housing problems and potential solutions; study, review and make recommendations on private housing programs; make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.
Meeting Dates, Times, and Place: Meets the second Wednesday of every other month at 5:00p.m. via Zoom, unless otherwise noted.