Nursery Pests & Diseases of Significance
Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter (GWSS) & Pierce’s Disease: All shipments of host material to Monterey County from GWSS infested areas (Map) must be shipped under “blue tag” and held for inspection once arriving at destination.
Upon arrival at destination, receiver must request an inspection to release the shipment by calling 831-759-7300 during normal business hours.
Sudden Oak Death (SOD): The sudden oak death disease attacks many types of plants and trees common to the Pacific Northwest including azaleas, big leaf maples, huckleberry, California bay laurel, camellia, myrtles, honeysuckle, Pacific madrone, Douglas fir, rhododendrons, and viburnum. It does not affect humans and is not a food safety concern. Sudden oak death is caused by a pathogen called Phytophthora ramorum. Although the pathogen is similar to a fungus, it is actually a member of a unique group of organisms called Oomycetes. Symptoms vary from plant to plant, and may include leaf spots, needle and tip blight, shoot-tip dieback, and canker formations. Many other plant pathogens cause the same symptoms, so only way to confirm the presence of sudden oak death is through laboratory testing.
Brown Garden Snail:
Florida-bound nursery stock must obtain a certificate of quarantine compliance to ensure the product is free of the Brown Garden Snail.
Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM):