As with any business, from time to time the County of Monterey faces challenging economic difficulties. To support with those challenging situations, the Board of Supervisors has directed the Human Resources Department to develop and implement S.E.E.K. (Supporting—Empowering—Engaging—Keeping), a program aimed to support county employees whose positions have been affected by recent budget reductions. The goal of the program is to help participants achieve the best possible employment outcomes by offering many employment resources; from one-on-one coaching services, possible transfers to other departments, career transition tips, and workshops on resume writing and effective interview techniques. .
S.E.E.K. program process:
If you have any questions regarding the S.E.E.K. Program, please contact the S.E.E.K. Coordinator Jovany Luna at 1 (831) 755-5395 or LunaCorreaJ@co.monterey.ca.us.