Structural Pest Control Business: Branch 1 Registration: $25
Registration in-person by responsible party working for the location. The responsible party can be the Operator, the Qualifying Manager or the Branch Supervisor for the location(s) he/she is registering. One fee covers the business and all persons (operators, field representatives and qualifying managers) identified on the registration form.
Structural Pest Control Business: Branch 1 Additions: $10
If during the year (after the initial registration) the company adds operators, field representatives, or qualifying managers to a registration, an amendment fee is required.
Structural Pest Control Business: Branch 2 & 3 Registration: $10
Registration in-person or by mail by responsible party working for the location. The responsible party can be the Operator, the Qualifying Manager, or the Branch Supervisor for the location(s) they are registering. Companies that are both Branch 2 and Branch 3 can register the business as one entity, and the one fee covers both branches.