I feel my adult learner is making great progress and is so motivated. She is a delight to be with and I only hope I am helping her as much as she wants and needs. Her aspirations amaze me. We both look forward to our sessions on Monday evenings. The Literacy Program is a wonderful opportunity for all those who wish to improve their skills and I have met some of the nicest people who are a part of this program. - Florence
The following is a beautiful example of the relationships that are built
by participation in this program:
My learner, Brenda, left the program almost five years ago. She now lives in Hong Kong. We keep in contact by e-mail. On August 25th I received a newsy message from Brenda. In closing, she truly touched me by the following words: "Sometimes, when I get off from work,I am really missing so much the old days with the literacy program. I keep repeating to myself - I am a lucky person - such program helps me a lot - learning while relaxing plus I have met a wonderful tutor like you." - Cathleen
Why do you pronounce "bough, cough, tough, ought differently? Explaining my language is a challenge sometimes! I would like to think I can be some small part of the success that will come to my learner, Alberto, as he progresses in his reading and writing ability. I very much want him to share his love of learning with his children. Children who read early have been proven to excel in school. I think Diana and Rita made a great match when they paired me and Alberto. I am proud to be a part of this program.
- Luana, Marina
More Letters from Learners:
Before the program, my English wasn't very good. Now, I am very lucky to participate in this program because I improve my English every day. The tutors are excellent teachers and friends. They help us to correct our English. I recommend the program to everyone who wants to improve their English. I am really excited and happy to be involved in this program. Also, the coordinator, provides some free books for me to read with my children. My children are very happy for the books that I get for them. We have a couple of family parties every year when all the learners meet together and we have fun with our families.
- Alberto,Seaside
Send your stories about your learner's goals and progress, where you're going and how you're
getting there to: Hoeffel@co.monterey.ca.us